realme X3 SuperZoom is packed with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+, a 60x Periscope Super Zoom, 120hz screen and the first Starry Mode will be launched for the first time ever in the UK on May 26th at 9:30am BST.
The previous flagship of the X series, realme X2 Pro, turned the market upside down and became the best-selling product of realme in Europe as it was the true Full-Speed Flagship.
realme is the fastest growing smartphone brand globally and sold 10 million smartphones in 4 months and has more than 35 million users worldwide
London, May 19th, 2020 – realme, the fastest growing smartphone brand, announces its first global launch in the UK to present realme X3 SuperZoom.
Europe has become one of realme´s most important markets and that´s the reason why the brand wants to present one of its most awaited premium devices here.
The online event to launch realme´s new flagship -realme X3 SuperZoom- will take place on May 26th at 9:30am BST on realme UK Youtube channel.
realme leaps more and more to bring users the best technology. Embracing the photography journey, realme has evolved from “all in Quad” to leap into 6 cameras. realme X3 SuperZoom “Super Zoom.
Super Speed” is packed with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+, 60x Periscope Super Zoom, 120hz screen and features -the first time ever- Starry Mode, which will allow users to reach the stars thanks to this amazing photography leap the brand has taken.
Also, realme X3 SuperZoom will have 30W flash charge.
The previous flagship of the X series, realme X2 Pro, launched in October of 2019 in Europe turned the market upside down. realme X2 Pro became the best-selling product of realme in Europe as it was the true Full-Speed Flagship, with premium specs at an affordable price, becoming a huge success across Europe.
realme is the fastest growing smartphone brand globally, ranking top 7 in global shipments but realme’s smartphone sales worldwide have been steadily increasing, and the products have also received consumer recognition.
In the first quarter of 2020, in just 4 months realme sold more than 10 million smartphones, has entered 27 markets across the world and has more than 35 million users worldwide.
The online event to launch realme´s new flagship -realme X3 SuperZoom- will take place on May 26th at 9:30am BST. You can watch it on realme UK Youtube channel: